Purchasing and partners

We at Koenig & Bauer have been manufacturing printing presses tailored to the wishes of our customers for over 200 years now. With the goods produced by our printing presses, we are a fixed part of the everyday lives of many people worldwide. These include press products, advertising material, packaging or even securities – in short: products whose availability many people take for granted.

In this way we continuously make a background contribution to a functioning society, and with our product innovations influence the lives of all of us.

These expectations on the part of our customers nourish our ambition to achieve quality, modernity and reliability.  

It goes without saying that we as the Koenig & Bauer Group need the right partners in the market to share our passions and to cooperate with us in order to improve everyday life.


The divisions within the purchasing department of the Koenig & Bauer Group pursue a coordinated, sustainable strategy. In practical terms, we use the "proximity to the product" of the purchasing departments at various locations, and to do this we have established interfaces for networking with each other. In this way we get to know the products which the divisions are responsible for, and at the same time obtain a Koenig & Bauer-wide impression of the big picture.

Material fields

Our orientation in the purchasing department is subject to a material grouping and production strategy. Our largest fields are:

  • Mechanically processed parts on the basis of drawings
  • Electrical systems/electronic systems/control cabinet construction
  • Cast parts
  • Semi-finished products and raw materials

Of course, we as mechanical engineers need a large number of different materials and continuously new ideas for using cost-saving manufacturing processes.

Delivery chain

We attach the utmost importance to the quality and reliability of our partners when selecting suppliers. Mutual evaluation allows continued further development in order to meet mutual requirements.

Besides the usual market solutions for electronic order and job processing, we offer a portal solution for our "just-in-time" and "just-in-sequence" production facilities ensuring they can foresee their requirements. Our suppliers are therefore always up to date in the series production business.

In low-volume series, we rely on "quality first" in order to be able to install our components on schedule.

Spare parts and service

Even after the point of sale, our customers still mean a lot to us. We attach great importance to the short-term availability of components in the field of plant and machinery maintenance as well as supplying our customers with spare parts. To achieve this, we cooperate with partners who help us to generate this added value.

The trend is towards digitalisation and individualisation. With our presses in the field of digital printing, we offer the contemporary answer to individuality. In terms of new products we especially look for supply partners that would like to open up these markets together with us. In our core business – web presses – we have acquired important technological experience over the years

As a subcontractor with our own foundry, our focus is on purchasing raw materials and consumables. Together with us, our supply partners optimise internal processes for supplying our production facilities according to the principles of streamlined production.   

Our locations:



Our limited liability companies:


Koenig & Bauer Grafitec

Koenig & Bauer Gießerei  

In the production of sheetfed offset presses, we rely on short installation times and are geared to serial production. In order to meet this logistical challenge we work together with our partners to optimise the value-added chain and grant them an insight into our requirements.

Our special presses are individually tailored to meet the needs of our customers. Technological progress promotes new developments and adjustments to systems. We aim for a long-term innovative partnership with our external suppliers. This mutual support for continuous product improvement and process optimisation forms the basis of a win-win situation. The cooperation with our divisions in the field of special presses improves our know-how and do-how.

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