Referenzen & AnwendungenLED-UV printing

LED-UV printing: Oberdruck in Lienz, Austria


Family-run full-service print provider Oberdruck in Austria places great importance on a high level of flexibility and production reliability as along with other periodicals and challenging commercial printwork, the Osttiroler Bote with a circulation of some 17,000 copies and page counts of 96 to 112 pages has to be produced regularly in a fixed time frame.  


The new eight-colour Rapida 106 perfector with coater for dispersion and UV coating and LED curing installed at Oberdruck in 2015 makes up a lot of time in the battle against the clock. Senior boss Franz Oberbichler values the fast lead times and the particularly high print quality in connection with uncoated stock delivered by LED-UV printing. The efficiency of the folder and gang-stitcher is increased substantially as powder is almost dispensed with completely cutting cleaning efforts. More at "LED-UV is the present and future for Oberdruck"

LED-UV is the future.
Production manager Michael Plattner
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